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What Rights Do Parolees Lose?


When someone is let out on parole, they’re not necessarily let out of their punishment “early.” On the contrary, there are still strict rules and restrictions parolees must follow to avoid going back into jail or prison.

This relates to the Fourth Amendment which states that a person has protection against unreasonable searches and seizures and there must be probable cause. However, when a person is on parole, part of their release conditions usually includes giving up their right to protection from unreasonable searches. This is sometimes referred to as a Fourth waiver. Depending on the state, probation and parole officers could be the only ones legally allowed to conduct an unreasonable search but most states allow any officer to perform a warrantless search without any reason if a person is on parole.

If while on parole and a person is questioned by law enforcement, they have the right not to answer any questions. However, this could come back to haunt the individual as not answering questions from law enforcement could be seen as a parole violation and the individual is then returned to custody.

Another right a parolee loses is the right to own a firearm. Being on parole could also hinder a person’s ability to obtain a job or business license. It may be part of a parolee’s release conditions to get employment, though, so the individual’s parole officer may assist with that process.

What HDR Law Can Do to Help

If you are on parole and feel like your rights have been violated, the team at HDR Law is here to support you. Our parole attorneys practice throughout the United States with offices in Washington, D.C., Georgia, and Virginia. We offer multi-lingual services including Spanish, French, and Italian. With a dedicated team by your side, you can feel comforted knowing your case is in good hands. See the HDR Law difference by reaching out to us today for a consultation.
